Zorn Palette

A Road Forward and Back

“True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross…”  Nikos Kazantzakis As a Mid-Century Modern, I remember the time before Al Gore created the internet and what it meant to be stuck in a bind because a missing piece of information was needed to complete a project, research an

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I, the Juror

Remember that all is opinion. Marcus Aurelius Next week I take off my artist beret and replace it with my juror’s cap, as I once again adjudicate the spring exhibit for the Downriver Arts and Craft Guild. I will speak to the assembled membership, offer a quick critique for each of the pieces submitted, (a modest number easily covered

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Well, hello Anders!

I’ll be the first to admit that I am not, and I repeat, NOT, a figurative painter. I went down this path when my beginning painting class had an assignment to paint self-portraits. The search was on for a color palette that would use a straight forward, limited number of colors. It was down that path that

Well, hello Anders! Read More »